Summer Shape Up


Drop off your Tracking card at Fit For Play

between Monday June 20, 2016 and Friday July 1st to be entered to win prizes

Grand Prize

3 one hour personal training sessions + a 1 month membership at Fit For Play

Other Prizes

2 free visits with Mount Nittany Health Dietician, Heather Harpster

Gift box from Bell Plantation

Cooking gift basket put together by Mount Nittany Health

Prize winners will be drawn randomly from all cards received by Friday July 1st

The Challenge Is Over, Now What?

Congrats for hanging in there with us over the last 40 days! You did it! Eating clean and moving more is no small task. You’ve come out healthier and stronger in just forty short days.

But, now that we’re done with the weekly emails and tracking, what’s next? I think the biggest challenge that we all face after finishing any type of nutrition or fitness program is- in the beginning we’re really excited, we’re inspired, we do the program, we’ve made these healthy changes, and then it’s over. As soon as it’s over, we lose this momentum and accountability. There is nothing propelling us forward.


"Ask the Trainer"


We had a few great questions submitted via the "ASK THE TRAINER" form last week, and thought we would share a response that was well received.

The Questions:

all mentioned weight loss as the primary goal
"what's the best routine?"
"what are the best machines and or exercises?"
"how many sets and reps?"
"how many days per week and how long should sessions be?"

Click Here For The Answer

The Answer:

First and foremost, you are 100% correct that diet is the HUGE part of a successful weight loss program, so it's great to hear that you are working on that! Work on lifestyle changes that you can continue and adjust as you progress. Consistency is the key!!

It's difficult to answer all questions regarding exercise without knowing a little more about you, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Best routine:

The one that you are DOING consistently. What do I mean by that? Typically what you are doing is not as important as how you are doing it. There really is no substitute for hard work, and even a very basic program that you put a lot of effort into will be effective. Set realistic short term goals that you can build on. If you are new to this, start small and listen to your body and add more days, or more time as it feels right to you. Be honest with yourself about effort level and the rest should fall into place. The last piece of advice here would be to find things that you enjoy. You will have an easier time sticking to something that you like.

Best exercises / machines:

Exercise /machine choice should be based on you. There are a ton of variables that should be considered including, previous injuries, biomechanics, movement patterns, size, and experience level. I'm a big believer in starting basic and moving on from there. Again, it's very difficult for me to recommend specific things without knowing more about you. I know that is a very generic answer but I wouldn't want to suggest anything that could potentially injure you.

Now that I've said all that... here is what I would recommend

A full body strength training program completed 2-3 times per week. Take at at least one day of rest between resistance training days. Supplement the strength training with cardiovascular exercise up to 5 days per week. The cardio can be done before or after the strength training on your "lifting days", and can be done by itself on the "non-lifting days". Session length and intensity should be based on your personal abilities. Use the advice above to listen to your body and work on giving more effort as you progress.

Get the most bang for your buck by using compound exercises (things that target more than one muscle group) performed in a "circuit training" style (lighter weights, higher reps, minimal rest periods). Again all of these variables are totally dependent on your level.

If you are injury free and possess good mobility...
Here's an Example Program:

Perform each exercise and move to the next taking minimal rest (30-45 seconds if possible). Perform all 5 exercises then rest 3 minutes and repeat entire circuit one more time. Weights should be adjusted to allow you to complete suggested reps. Start on the low end of the suggested rep ranges and build on, again listen to your body.

Warmup: 5 minutes, (walking is fine)

1. Body weight ball squats: 10-20 reps
2. Chest press machine: 10-20 reps
3. Kettlebell swings: 10 reps
4. Row machine: 10-20 reps
5. Plank: 30 - 60 second hold

    Cardio Training: 20 - 30 minutes.
    Advice: Try different forms of cardio machines. Each will be challenging in a unique way, and you will probably find something that you enjoy more :)

    Well I sure hope that helped in some way, and please provide some feedback. I'm sure you figured out by my answers, that it's really difficult to provide exact advice without working with you in person. If you are starting from scratch and want to set yourself up for success, my best advice is to work with a qualified personal trainer even for a couple sessions to get set up with a correct program for you. A good trainer would be able to answer all your questions above and set you up with a program in 1-2 sessions. The personal trainers at Fit For Play are all excellent and can easily set up and teach exercise programs for all populations that can be done at home or in a gym setting.

    Working with a good trainer takes away much of the trial and error that leads to frustration, injury and not getting results.

    Response written by
    Craig Turner

    General Manager of Fit For Play Physical Therapy & Fitness Center
    Personal trainer with over 20 years of experience

    What motivates you to lose weight?

    Odds are, you already have a pretty good idea of what you need to do to lose weight - eat less and move more. That’s the basic equation of weight loss, right? But many of us struggle and are not successful. Why?

    The most critical element of weight loss is your own personal drive to succeed. Your attitude can be the difference between success and failure.




    This sorbet is ready in minutes and is the perfect treat on a hot summer day! The best part is, there is no added sugar, and it is packed with vitamins, so you can feel good about eating it! This sorbet stays good in your freezer for up to one month! Enjoy!


    Quotes to Motivate

    Need Help with Your Fitness Program?


    Please submit your questions using the form below

    Posted June 3, 2016

    Understanding Food Addiction and Steps You Can Take to Regain Control

    Eating healthy and losing weight seems downright impossible for many people. Even with their best intentions, they repeatedly find themselves eating large amounts of unhealthy foods, despite knowing that it is causing them harm.


    Posted May 27, 2016


    Remember those that served and honor those that are serving
    Healthy Picnic Eating

    Healthy Picnic Eating Tips

    For me, Memorial Day is like the unofficial beginning of summer. It means lots of socializing, get-togethers with friends, picnics, sunshine, barbecues, and outdoor activities.

    It also means lots of opportunities to indulge in those oh-so-yummy-but-not-so-healthy weekend cook-out treats!

    Here are a few tips to help you
    Indulge without the bulge this season

    3 Healthy Picnic Friendly Recipes


    These turkey burgers are a great addition to your clean eating menus. They’re moist, juicy, and flavorful. All of the flavor, none of the bad stuff!



    Fresh, colorful and full of flavor. This one will have everyone at the picnic asking, who made that great salad?



    A healthy spin on a picnic staple.


    How to Begin When You Don't Know Where to Start

    Back in 2003 when I began my fitness journey, I was supremely unhealthy and seven sizes bigger than I am now. Maybe this isn’t your story or maybe it is — no matter where you are when you begin, the road that lies ahead can feel pretty darn daunting.

    People tell me all the time that they don’t know where to start, describing feeling lost and frustrated, and the look in their eyes tells the same story. I get that. It doesn’t matter if your journey is a quest to lose pounds or a quest to reclaim your life. It can be very overwhelming to turn your life around. I mean, with so far to go, where does one even start?

    Read the whole article

    Changing Your Habits ... Steps to Better Health

    Are you thinking about being more active? Trying to cut back on fattening foods? Already started to eat better and be more active but having a hard time sticking with it?

    Check out this great handout

    from the US Department of Health and Human services.

    Welcome to the Summer Shape Up

    Posted: May 12, 2016

    THANK YOU for attending

    We really hope you enjoyed the event last night as much as we did. We had an overwhelming response and are very excited that so many people wanted to be part of this event. Again our goal is to provide you with tools and information to eat better and move more this summer. We will be providing information on this website for the next 40 days. We plan on sending occasional emails that will tell you about updated content, so keep an eye on your inbox. Again we thank you for being part of our event and wish you the best of luck with your personal goals for this summer!

    How Did You Like the Event?

    It was GREAT!!
    It was Nice
    Not so much

    Check Out the Full Fitness Program

    As promised, the full fitness program is all loaded up and ready to go. Complete descriptions, videos, and advice to make the program a success for you. Check it out now!

    Summer Shape Up Meal Plan

    We are so excited to offer you such a complete eating plan

    Please go and check out the nutrition page that we've created. It has all the information that was available at the event, including all the handouts so you can have an extra copy or give one to a friend.

    SPECIAL BONUS: There is a contact form for you to ASK THE DIETICIAN.

    Give it up for the Chef

    We hope you enjoyed the cooking demo. I personally thought both dishes were very good. I don't even really like beans, but I really liked the dressing. Anyway, here are the recipes from last night.

    Pineapple Fried Rice


    Bean Salad


    Injury or Concern Holding You Back?

    If you have an injury or condition that limits your ability to participate in an exercise program, we can help. Try a FREE INJURY SCREEN with one of our licensed medical professional's and get on the road to recovery and better overall health.

    Change Your Mind and You Will Change Your Body


    Track your Progress

    Using your

    Tracking Card

    to keep yourself accountable and moving forward.